What Clients Say
Getting People On Their Feet
“Juggling it All & Successfully!’ was an amazing journey that exceeded our expectations. The feedback I've received has been tremendously positive. The atmosphere you created was relaxed and welcoming which really helped the team loosen up and embrace your teachings. I've never seen such a large group of people on their feet and having so much fun. It was amazing to witness. I continue to receive feedback about the energy you created with our presentation."
Joanne Kendall,
Senior Business Analyst,
Bell Canada
Impressing Everyone
“Without exception, the response to ‘Juggling for Life’ was rated as outstanding by everyone.”
Bonnie Venton Ross
Kellogg Canada Ltd.
Overcoming Challenges
“I would like to thank you for teaching me the ‘take-away’ in front of everyone at our recent team conference. I am not usually an on-stage kind of guy but I felt quite comfortable trying something fairly challenging in front of a large group, because after listening to your presentation, I was confident I could. I suppose that is the message, eh? Thanks, it was fun.”
Paul McEacheran
Bell Canada BST
Inspiring Tough Audiences
“My colleagues are distinguished persons who spend their days engaged in critical listening. Your ability to engage this group in a positive way surpassed my expectations. I know that your message will be helpful in maintaining a healthy balance when faced with intensely stressful courtroom battles and the awful matters we sometimes have to deal with. Colleagues have approached me since your presentation to tell me how they have been able to incorporate your suggestions into their daily routines.”
An Ontario judge, referring to a keynote presentation to 250 senior judges.